There will be a break in between Preference Round/Round 4 and Bid Day to accommodate mandatory university activities for all incoming and transfer students. Plans for Bid Day are being finalized by chapters and the university- keep checking back for all of the most recent information!
On Bid Day you will run home to your chapter and then head to a venue to do activities and celebrate with your chapter! Transportation is provided!
Generally, the new member period lasts a few weeks and involves learning about the history of the sorority, getting to know the chapter, and participating in various activities- philanthropies, TCU activities, sisterhood events, etc.
On or shortly after Bid Day, the chapter should provide a new member calendar that includes important dates like Mom's Weekends, Homecoming, and Initiation. Please refer to the chapter after Bid Day for specifics on dates/times/locations.
We are often asked if parents and families should attend Bid Day and we caution against this simply because the new members are so busy being in celebration with their new chapters that they do not have time to see their families for more than a minute or two, if at all. Plus, with roughly 3,000 women in the Panhellenic community, it can be nearly impossible to spot your student. Furthermore, space is limited and it can be a challenge to accommodate excess spectators in addition to the many new members.