What is a recommendation?
A recommendation, or ‘rec’, is a personal reference of a potential new member provided by an alumna of a sorority.
The purpose of a recommendation is to give a sorority chapter the chance to know more about you before recruitment – a more personal introduction in addition to their copy of your sorority recruitment registration form.
Each chapter has different guidelines- if you have questions about specific chapters please reach out to them directly!! All of their info to contact is on the bottom of this page! If you want a specific date to give those writing your letters trying to have them in by the beginning of July is great, but the most important part of the process is your resume, PNM personality slide, and the recruitment process!
TCU's chapters are not allowed to accept baskets and goodies from PNMs, and we kindly ask PNM's and their families to refrain from sending such items to chapters. Packets and recommendations are allowed, and we encourage you to put your best foot forward to chapters through your personality slide- gifts are not needed!
1. If you have a friend/relative/teacher who is an alumna of a sorority, she can give you a recommendation. You may be surprised to find out how many sorority women you know!
2. Contact your hometown Alumnae Panhellenic Association. They can help find someone to write a recommendation for you.
3. If your hometown does not have an Alumnae Panhellenic Association, you may contact the Fort Worth Panhellenic Association (www.fortworthpanhellenic.com). Even if you are not from Fort Worth, they may be able to help you with recommendations.
4. Reach out to family friends who are currently active in Panhellenic sororities.
This differs for each sorority. TCU cannot provide any recommendation forms to fill out. Alumnae may obtain the forms and information from their inter/national websites, their sorority publications, or local alumnae chapters.
Contact name: Julia Laswell
Email: tcuaxovpri@gmail.com
2901 Stadium Dr. TCU Box 295916
Fort Worth, TX 76129
Alumnae use: https://prideonline.alphadeltapi.org/potentialmembers/recommendations/
PNMs use: www.alphadeltapi.org/join.
Contact name: Helen Harris
Email: tcuxorecruitment@gmail.com.
The physical address to 3117 Cockrell avenue, Fort Worth, Texas 76109. Alumni can submit through Chi Omega Everyday. https://everyday.chiomega.com/Special-Pages/Sign-In?returnurl=%2f.
Contact name: Conley Cavender
Email: philambdareference@gmail.com
3651 W Biddison St.
Fort Worth, Texas 76109.
Link: Alumnae tab on http://tridelta.org
Contact name: Avery Ulasewich
Email: tcudg.evc@gmail.com
Address: 2932 Forest Park Blvd
Fort Worth TX 76110.
Due July 31st.
Contact name: Ruby Morgan
Email: tcugphimvp@gmail.com
Link: https://www.gammaphibeta.org/Membership/About-our-Membership/Introduce-a-Potential-New-Member
Contact name: Amelia Brown
Email: tcukaorecruitment@gmail.com
Address: 2901 Stadium Drive
TCU Box 294515
Fort Worth, TX 76129
Kappa Delta alumnae in Good standing may submit an online optional recommendation form by visiting members.kappadelta.org. Interested potential new members (PNMs) may submit an optional self-recommendation form. Please note: the national organization does not require recommendations for women to be considered for membership in Kappa Delta. Having a recommendation does not guarantee an invitation of membership.
Contact name: Caroline Teegarden
All official references have to go through the online system of the Kappa alumna account with kappa.org found in the tab for PNM recommendations. Kappa nationals discourages letters of support - not a rule just a recommendation - but if an alumna wants to send a letter of support they can email it to tcukkgrecruitment@gmail.com.
Phi Mu does not accept or utilize recommendations in the recruitment process. We look forward to getting to know each PNM in recruitment!
For questions contact Julia Goldberg
at tcuphimureference@gmail.com or visit their website here
Contact name: Samantha Altounian
Email: sktcu.vpmember@gmail.com