2024 Panhellenic Recruitment registration has closed!
Registration for the 2025 Panhellenic Recruitment process will open June 2nd at 10:00 am CST and will be closing on August 1st at 11:59 PM CT. When registering, Potential New Members will need to upload a final transcript containing all high school and college (if applicable) grades, a PNM Personality Slide merged with a one-page resume into one PDF, and a headshot. Please read through this ENTIRE page thoroughly to ensure you have all of the correct documents before registering.
IMPORTANT: Potential New Members (PNMs) with a cumulative GPA falling below a 3.0 may have a less than desirable recruitment experience, especially with large amounts of women going through recruitment. PNMs in this situation should carefully consider their academic record before signing up.
As you fill out this form, you will be asked to provide a lot of information. If you do not have all of the information, you will not be able to save your registration form. TCU requires that you fill out each field in the registration form. Before you get started, please turn off any pop-up blockers to get to be able to get to the payment screen. Also, please make sure you have the following information available:
***IMPORTANT: The registration form must be completed in one sitting. Please be prepared to upload a final transcript reflecting your cumulative GPA, a current photo, one-page resume, PNM Personality Slide, and enter information regarding involvement and activities. This information is especially critical since it will replace typical Round 1/Open House conversations. All submissions are final and no edits can be made to Potential New Member (PNM) registration forms.
Women participating in Panhellenic sorority recruitment need to upload a final transcript upon registering for the process, however it does not need to be official. Please note that your final transcript(s) should be in one cohesive PDF document, it must include a cumulative GPA, and it should list all of your high school and college (if applicable) course grades. It is okay if you use your unofficial transcript as long as it includes all of the information stated above.
Download the pdf at the bottom of this page for instructions on how to create your Personality Slide. This needs to be created and submitted as a part of your registration form. *Don't forget to merge your resume with your personality slide.*
This year we are asking that you upload your resume as part of your registration form. Since we understand that some of you may not have made a resume before, below are some ideas of what to include in it.
At the end of the registration form you will be asked to upload your transcripts and resume/personality slide. The software we use for the registration form only allows one file upload for each section, so please follow the instructions below to merge documents. Everyone will merge a resume with a personality slide. However, only women who have two transcripts will need to do this process again for transcripts. This would include women who are a current college student who wants to upload both their high school and college transcript, or a high school student who transferred to a different high school and now has two transcripts. If this does not pertain to you, disregard this for the transcript submission.
How to merge PDFs PC, MAC and online methods:
Information Website: https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/how-to-combine-pdf-files/
Mac Video: https://youtu.be/3A-bj02_pIUPC
PC Video: https://youtu.be/2Xam5ra3R_s
How to reduce file size:
Please submit a .jpeg image by yourself that will be seen by all of the chapters.
Recruitment Booklet 2024 (pdf)
Download*OPTIONAL* These information sessions are here to help PNMs learn a little more about the Formal Recruitment Process before they register or come to TCU.
Prior to registration, all Potential New Members must read, understand, and agree to all terms and expectations as outlined in the Potential New Member Code of Conduct. Any Potential New Member found violating University alcohol/drug policy, the TCU Code of Student Conduct, or state/federal law from the time of registration through the distribution of bids at the completion of recruitment is subject to removal from the recruitment process without the chance to appeal.
2024 PNM Code of Conduct (pdf)